Wearing a Kate Moss t-shirt c/o a good friend of mine from his trip to Thailand, NY&Co. trousers, Aldo shoes, Mango belt, Rolex watch, Trousseau bracelet, vintage rhinestone bracelet, and H&M sunglasses.
My 2 friends (Tricia and Leanne -- those cutie pies enjoying their ice cream cones up above) and I decided to go on a short culture tour to Quezon City with the hopes of catching some sun for a specific type of shoot, but missed it by about 30 minutes. On our trip to the Quezon City Memorial Circle, which actually houses the second stop we went to, the Circle of Fun, I had realized a sad, but true fact: I've been living in Manila for about 8 years and have never visited the Memorial Circle. It was a nice open space, reminiscent of a local Central Park. I'm actually already thinking of going back to visit the culture center/museum. Walking toward the Circle of Fun, we found tiny little benches that could only seat 2 people, so naturally we walked down a street that should be called Honeymoon Lane. The Circle of Fun was closed when we got there, but that was one of the best things about it. There was an eerie, yet exciting feeling going through the closed rides and seeing all the clown faces, and if it weren't for my one-size-too-big heels, I would've wanted to stay and skip along through more of the park.
A special thanks to Leanne and Tricia for being wonderful photographers for the day, and also to Tricia for letting us in the closed park! I can honestly say, though, that in having 2 photographers on you (most especially if they're your friends) with random strangers watching brings about both feelings of being a rockstar and self-consciousness.
Photography by Tricia Leung and Leanne Tan